Feb 13, 2018 Troop Editor needs you to dismiss one troop to catch the address. You are slot 1, whoever is beneath you is slot 2 and so on. Don't try to use the editor on heroes. MIght break your savegame. It's strongly recommended to use Morghs Editor to find out what a number stands for. You can only modify existing troops, not generate new ones. Troop Editor needs you to dismiss one troop to catch the address. You are slot 1, whoever is beneath you is slot 2 and so on. Don't try to use the editor on heroes. MIght break your savegame. It's strongly recommended to use Morghs Editor to find out what a number stands for. You can only modify existing troops, not generate new ones.
Mount And Blade Morghs Editor Map
Morgh's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor
Supports: Mount & Blade: Warband v1.113 up to v1.143 / Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword v1.138 up to v1.143
Module System editors (Warband ONLY!):
- module_items .py
- module_troops .py
- module_party_templates .py
TXT editors (WB/WFAS):
- troops.txt (all features, flags)
- factions.txt (all features, flags)
- parties.txt (all features, flags)
- party_template.txt (all features, flags)
- item_kinds1.txt (all features, flags)
Latest changes (v1.39 / v1.40)
General changes:
- Module System editor is for Warband only, it won't work with the WFAS v1.143 Module System!
Text item editor changes:
- Added WFAS v1.143 capabilities:
- Added WFAS v1.43 flags:
- Marked the special WFAS capabilities and flags with ' (WFAS) ' behind their names
The editor's official home and download page is: http://mountandblade.mircon.de/wp/morghs-mb-wbwfas-editor/
You'll find there also a version history!
Official support forum thread: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,105928.0.html
I'll give a fast support, but only at the official thread!
Supports: Mount & Blade: Warband v1.113 up to v1.143 / Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword v1.138 up to v1.143
Module System editors (Warband ONLY!):
- module_items .py
- module_troops .py
- module_party_templates .py
TXT editors (WB/WFAS):
- troops.txt (all features, flags)
- factions.txt (all features, flags)
- parties.txt (all features, flags)
- party_template.txt (all features, flags)
- item_kinds1.txt (all features, flags)
Latest changes (v1.39 / v1.40)
General changes:
- Module System editor is for Warband only, it won't work with the WFAS v1.143 Module System!
Text item editor changes:
- Added WFAS v1.143 capabilities:
- Added WFAS v1.43 flags:
- Marked the special WFAS capabilities and flags with ' (WFAS) ' behind their names
The editor's official home and download page is: http://mountandblade.mircon.de/wp/morghs-mb-wbwfas-editor/
You'll find there also a version history!
Official support forum thread: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,105928.0.html
I'll give a fast support, but only at the official thread!